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One of our main goals is to provide you with a surgical experience

that is as comfortable as it is effective. That’s why we offer

several methods of sedation. Dr. Kaufman will work with you to

decide on a personalized sedation plan that will give you the care

you need while ensuring your comfort and safety every step of the way.

Local Anesthetic

The most common type of local anesthetic is lidocaine, which is

administered by injection into the surgical area. The use of a local

anesthetic alone is excellent for simple surgical procedures. Local

anesthetic will always be used in conjunction with any other

methods of sedation you require.

Nitrous Oxide Sedation with Local Anesthetic

Nitrous oxide, or laughing gas, is administered through a small mask that fits over your nose. It is an effective way to calm

anxiety and decrease pain.

At the end of your surgery, you’ll resume breathing regular oxygen, and all the effects of nitrous oxide will disappear, so you can resume your normal activities immediately, including driving

yourself home.

In-office General Anesthesia (aka IV Sedation)

Dr. Kaufman is licensed by the state to administer general anesthesia, so you can receive the care you need in the comfort of our office. We provide this with IV sedation for patients who need all types of oral surgery.


Patients who receive in-office IV sedation often have no

recollection of the treatment. Vital signs are monitored throughout the entire procedure, which allows for a safe and comfortable experience. The medications we use produce anxiolysis and a reduced state of consciousness, while simultaneously allowing

the patient to maintain his or her own protective reflexes and continue breathing throughout the procedure.

It is required that patients who receive IV sedation have a driver accompany them to appointments and stay at the office for the duration of the appointment.

Hospital-Based General Anesthesia

In some cases, we recommend oral surgery in a hospital setting. This is generally for patients who have complex medical

conditions, or are not candidates for in-office anesthesia. General anesthesia administered in a hospital setting is done by an anesthesiologist, who will also monitor your vital signs throughout the procedure.

Pre- and Post-Sedation Care

Unless instructed otherwise by our office, do not eat or drink eight hours prior to your surgical appointment, with the exception of

daily medications taken with a small amount of water.

Because general anesthesia causes drowsiness for several hours after it is administered, you will be required to have a family member or friend drive you to and from your appointment. After

your treatment, you should not drive, drink alcohol, or operate machinery for 24 hours.

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